Thursday, December 8, 2011

Preventing Fitness Set Backs

Even the most dedicated exercisers suffer from fitness setbacks from time to time. Whether it's losing our workout mojo or over-committing ourselves, we're human (think: imperfect). But what if you could prevent those setbacks from ever occurring? What if you could somehow stop setbacks in their tracks, before they set you and your fitness goals back?

We have compiled a list of the 12 most common fitness setbacks. Read on for how you can play up your defence and stop these workout pitfalls—before they happen!

How to Prevent 12 Common Fitness Setbacks

Setback #1: You're too busy at work. You have every minute of your day planned so that you can leave work on time, get to the gym, work out, and shower before meeting your in-laws for dinner. But the day gets crazy, a million things come up, and you're stuck at work late. Now you're barely making it to dinner on time, let alone working out. We've all been there, but believe us—there is a way to prevent this one!

Prevent It: You have two options. First, exercise in the morning before work. By getting up a little earlier—before demands on you even begin—it will ensure that you take care of your workout first, no matter what life throws at you later. Second, if you're not an early bird, schedule time for you on your work schedule. Even if it's as simple as taking a 15-minute break twice a day or shutting your door and doing some squats and crunches during lunch, treat workouts as a non-negotiable time for you that can't be pushed back until tomorrow. These physical activity breaks are not only good for your body, they help refresh your mind, too, giving you more focus and energy to work better—and more efficiently!

Setback #2: You forgot your gym bag (or something in it). There's nothing worse than getting to work—or the gym—only to realize you forgot your gym bag at home and you have no sports bra or workout shoes.

Prevent It: Always keep a back-up set of workout clothes and gear in your car or office (wherever makes the most sense for you). It may seem silly to have a second gym bag, but believe us, whether you forgot a hair tie, shoes, socks or deodorant, you'll never regret having a spare gym bag. It doesn't need to be the best gear you have—an older pair of running shoes and a retired set of workout shorts and a top will work in a pinch.
Setback #3: You lost all motivation to work out. Motivation to work out seems to wax and wane as your life changes and you settle into (or out of) a routine. Losing all of your workout mojo, though, is something you definitely want to avoid at all costs!

Prevent It: The key way to prevent boredom and keep your motivation high is to set goals that matter to you and to regularly change up your sessions so that they're fun and fresh. Each quarter, month and week, be sure to set a few fitness goals for yourself. Whether it's going for a walk every night after dinner instead of watching TV or running a whole 20 minutes before stopping on the treadmill, find a goal or milestone that gets you excited. Then, once you reach those goals, give yourself fun little rewards like a new song to download for your iPod, a healthy living magazine or even a whole new workout outfit. Each month, also challenge yourself to try a new physical activity that's outside of your usual workout comfort zone such as RPM, rock climbing, or swimming . Keeping workouts fresh and focused will help you to keep your motivation high.

Setback #4: The weather is less than ideal. If there's one thing you can't control, it's the weather. Whether it's rain, snow, heat or humidity, Mother Nature can throw a wrench in your fitness plans from time to time.

Prevent It: Have a back-up workout you can do at home when getting to the gym is a challenge. It doesn't really matter if it's an exercise DVD, some body weight exercises you can do in front of your like push-ups, jumping jacks, lunges, squats and sit-ups. Whatever it is, any at home workout is better than skipping your gym/outdoor workout completely. Poor weather is never a good excuse to miss a workout!

Setback #5: You're late for the group exercise class you wanted to take. You've been dying to try a new group fitness class for weeks, only to unexpectedly get stuck in traffic and miss the start time of the class by 10 minutes.

Prevent It: It's never a good idea to jump into any group exercise class late. Many times the warm-ups are specific to the activity you'll be doing, and the instructor will preview some moves or give you tips on what to expect in the workout. Also some classes such as Body Pump and Body Step require equipment that will need to be set up prior to the class. Furthermore, it's distracting to the class and the instructor when latecomers roll in. However, that doesn't mean you should just give up on your workout that day! Make the most of the time by doing your own version of the class on your own. If it's a cardio class, do cardio on a piece of equipment you don't normally use at the gym. If it's a strength class, hit the dumbbells. Where there's a will, there's a way. And, remember: To really prevent this setback, try to get to the gym about 15 minutes before class begins. This gives you extra time in case traffic is bad, and if you get there super early, you can always hop on the treadmill to get a little additional cardio in!

Setback #6: The gym is packed! All of the treadmills are taken. You're ready and pumped to workout, only to be stuck waiting for in a line for a treadmill to open up.

Prevent It: If possible, try to go to the gym when it isn’t packed. This may mean that you go earlier in the morning or later in the day, but it's worth it to not have to stand around. If changing your schedule around isn't an option, it's time to start loving other pieces of cardio equipment. In most gyms, the rowers, stationary bikes are usually open no matter how busy the gym is. While most people prefer ellipticals and treadmills, these other pieces are still awesome for cardio, so give them a shot! Because you're not used to doing them, you're likely to work your body in new ways, too, which means a better workout and a higher calorie burn. Bonus! If you need some help on how to use these machines, please feel free to ask any of the team!

Setback #7: You are beyond sleepy. If you've lost a few hours of sleep the night before, or are just having a 3 p.m. crash that no amount of coffee can cure, a workout can actually be a great way to boost your energy.

Prevent It: Prevent this setback by making sleep a priority. Many of us cut back on sleep to get more done in the day, but that's a losing strategy in the long run. Getting adequate sleep can help improve your health, focus, and mood and even make losing weight easier. Not to mention that you'll have the energy to work out and enjoy it!

Setback #8: You forgot your workout tunes. If you're someone who loves working out to music on your iPod, this can seem like a major workout killer.

Prevent It: Remind yourself that exercising without music is OK. In fact, everyone did it that way long before portable music devices existed—and they still got great workouts! Even if you love working out with music, there's something to be said for doing a workout every now and again with nothing but your body and your thoughts. Doing this outdoors is ideal, but it can work at the gym, too. Instead of focusing on the beat or the lyrics of your favourite workout songs, pay attention to your breath, feel your muscles as they're moving, and be totally present in what you're doing. Focusing on the mind-body connection can be a great way to de-stress and appreciate your body for how amazing it is. It can also help you work more intensely since you aren't distracted. Try a workout-music-free workout once every few weeks. Then the next time you forgot your iPod, it'll just be another time that you get to tune in to you!

Setback #9: You don't feel good. No matter if you are suffering from a cold, have a stomach-ache or are running a fever, sometimes we miss our workouts because of our health.

Prevent It: While you can't always keep yourself illness free all year round, by eating a healthy diet, taking time to de-stress regularly, sleeping seven to nine hours a night and working out regularly, you can help prevent yourself from getting sick. Remember that exercise should be a part of your overall wellness plan to keep you healthy. And for those times that you do get sick? Always listen to your body and take time to rest when you need it. If you feel up to exercising, or doing a workout at a lighter intensity, go for it. Not every sniffle or stomach-ache is a sign that you shouldn't exercise. In fact, sometimes a light workout can help you alleviate certain unwanted symptoms, like gastrointestinal distress, by diverting blood away from the problem area (your gut in this case) and to your working muscles.

Setback #10: You overslept and missed your workout time. You pride yourself on getting your workout in early, but when you accidentally oversleep, your workout plans go down the drain!

Prevent It: All of us miss our alarms from time to time, but you can prevent this by doing a few things. First, set two alarms, such as a regular alarm clock and the alarm on your cell phone. In case your power goes out, the cell phone will work as your back-up. Also, don't keep your alarm clock by your bed, in arm's reach of hitting the snooze button. Set it across the room so that you actually have to get up and out of bed to turn it off. Because getting up and out of bed is always the hardest part, once you're up, turn on some lights and put on those workout clothes right away to start off your morning and workout right!

Setback #11: You have to travel. Whether it's for pleasure or business, travel plans can throw a wrench into even the most dedicated exercisers fitness plans.

Prevent It: It's easy to let a trip, along with its unexpected layovers, lack of hotel gyms, or jam-packed travel schedule, to throw off your workout plans. That's why it's important to plan, plan, plan. Before you travel, come up with three workout options that you can do while you’re away. For example, pack a resistance band in your suitcase so that you do some strength moves no matter where you are. Pack a workout DVD that you can do on your laptop. Talk to the hotel concierge for help mapping out a walking or running route. And definitely pack work out gear and shoes (wearing them to travel in is an extra good idea, so that you're comfortable and can get some extra steps and walking in when you can). Then make a goal to work out every other day at the least. Staying fit while travelling just takes a little creativity, so plan ahead to prevent this fitness setback!

Setback #12. You get injured. Injuries are the worst!

Prevent It: By all means not every injury can be prevented, but, many of them can. The majority of exercise related injuries can be chalked up to doing too much, too soon, too often. So make sure that you're wearing correct footwear for your physical activity; that you warm up and cool down properly, slowly build your workouts in terms of duration and intensity, and take at least one day a week off for active recovery. Always listen to and respect your body. It's the best way to stay injury free!

If you can see an exercise hurdle coming, or are struggling to overcome one, please talk to the Contours Manukau team and we can help you stay on track- clearing any exercise hurdle!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Our Beautiful Member Of The Month November - Judy Hills

Hi, my name is Judy and I am a NUTTER!

Yo yo, see saw, up down, on off. We have all done it or been there. If I had a dollar for every kilo I have lost and then put back on I would be a millionaire or maybe even a trillionaire!

I am now half a century and I still haven’t learnt the secret, or discovered the pill, or found the perfect answer, so alas, here I am, every day- trying my hardest, doing my best and then you will know you are the best you can possibly be.

I have tried every diet that is out there and even invented some of my own. I have read the books, had acupuncture, been hypnotized and here I am back to square one again and again and again. The one thing I do no for sure is that it’s a constant struggle and I am not alone with this battle. I see it every day when I come to this gym.


Every itme I think its too hard or too painful or I just cant be bothered with it then all I have to do is look straight in front of me, or to the side of me, or behind me and there you all are – doing it – pulling faces, sweating buckets, in pain and pushing it to the limit- and that’s what keeps me going!

So to all of you out there, my friends, familiar faces and Contours staff keep fighting the fight and most important of all keep smiling the smile. And remember- no pain no gain!


Thursday, December 1, 2011's did that happen??

It’s nearly the end of 2011. We’re amazed at how quickly this year has flown past.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who come to the gym regularly, use the facilities, support us and love what we do.

Each team member that works at Contours Manukau is here because they have a passion for helping people and want to see them succeed. It gives us great enjoyment and pride to hear of all the success that our members have. There have been some great stories and huge results come out through the year. You just have to take a look at the “member of the month” stories to know that we have some really inspirational members – people who work hard for themselves and for their trainers and get the success that they deserve.
From a business perspective, this year has been a busy one for us in the respect that we’ve been busy maintaining the status quo. I think it’s a sign of the times that as a business we haven’t necessarily “grown”, but then we haven’t shrunk either. We see this as a success when so many gyms and other businesses are struggling to keep their doors open. (Interestingly there are 5 Contours franchises for sale and 2 others have been closed down by the franchisor today..…merry Christmas…)

The highlight of 2011 for us was refurbishing the bathrooms. Those of you that have been with us for a while will agree that the re-vamp was well due. Another highlight for us was supporting the Glow Kids Trust with our group fit fund raiser launch. Everybody enjoyed themselves and again the feedback was fabulous plus we raised some cash for a well deserving charity.

So what’s in store for 2012?
We’re working on getting some new  classes up and running. It’s been great having the lunch time classes as we believe it adds more variety and options for you (our members), and they've been very well received. So we’re planning to have even more variety with some brand new and different evening classes in the New Year.

What else?
We’ll continue with our facility refurb. We’re stuck into getting quotes for some new carpeting. The existing carpet has been there for quite some time, so it’s well past it best before date. Having said that it hasn’t done too badly considering the amount of use it gets!

Anything else?
There maybe some other surprises next year …but we’re not going to say anymore about them just yet. You’ll have to keep your ‘eye out’.

Anyway, that’s all for the moment – We wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas and here’s looking forward to 2012.

Claire, Alan and the Team at Contours

PS: Feel free to leave some comments or ask some questions......

Friday, November 25, 2011

Strawberry Vegetable Salad- YUM!

This delicious strawberry vegetable salad recipe combines lettuce, fresh veggies and fresh strawberries for a perfect refreshing taste.

- 8 ounces assorted lettuces, torn into bite size pieces- 8 ounces fresh spinach, torn into bite size pieces- 1 medium avocado, peeled and sliced or chopped- 1/2 pint strawberries, halved or sliced if they are larger- 1/2 cantaloupe, scooped into balls- 1/2 pint cherry tomatoes, halved- 1 cucumber, peeled and sliced- 4 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced

Combine the lettuces, spinach, avocado, strawberries, cantaloupe, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and mushrooms in a large salad bowl.Add the poppy seed dressing just before serving and toss lightly.

Yield: about 10 servings

Dressing:- 1/2 cup vegetable oil- 1/4 cup tarragon vinegar- 1/4 cup sugar- 2 teaspoons poppy seeds- 1/2 teaspoon salt- 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard- 1/2 teaspoon grated onion- 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon onion salt

Place all of the ingredients in a jar and shake vigorously to mix. Pour over salad when ready to serve.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Want to do cardio, but don’t like running?

There is more to cardio than just running!

Here are some other examples of aerobic exercises you can do at the gym:

  • Biking
  • Rowing
  • Cross trainer
  • Body Step
  • Body Attack
  • Body Combat
  • Body Jam
  • RPM

Why we need cardio/aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise uses large muscle groups rhythmically and continuously and elevates the heart rate and breathing for a sustained period. Say what? In other words, you are exercising at a faster but stable rate, as the heart and lungs try to keep up with your demand for blood and oxygen so you can continue exercising.

The beautiful thing about aerobic exercise is you can do it everyday without even knowing it! When you walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, when you ride bikes with your family, and when you jog with your dog--it’s all aerobic exercise.

The benefit list for aerobic exercise includes decreasing cholesterol levels and blood pressure, improving muscular endurance, reducing body fat, and it makes your heart, lungs and bones stronger. You will breathe easier and your heart will be much healthier.

Eventually, you will want to build up your cardio level so you can also partake in anaerobic exercise, which is exercise at a more difficult pace. This is when you are going all-out, like the 100-meter sprint. Consider anaerobic the icing on the cake to good, cardio exercise.

Some examples of anaerobic exercise you can do at the gym:

  • Weight lifting
  • Body pump
  • Boxing
  • Sprints
  • Skipping

For an update on your program at Contours Manukau please call any of the team to book a reassessment on (09) 262 0055.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fight The Lunch Time Fuzzies in just 30 minutes!

If you are sitting at work, watching the clock, counting down the hours, minutes and seconds until home time- then you need to add some excitment to your day! And what better way to do that than to become fitter, healthier and stronger with Nikkis lunch time Body Combat class at Contours Manukau!

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12.30pm-1.00pm- Nikki will help you fight that fat off leaving you invigorated and filled with energy to storm through the rest of the day! This is free to all Contours Manukau members and caters for all levels of fitness. Non members are also welcome- for a free class pass for you and a friend please call Claire or Charlotte on 09 262 0055 today!

See you there!

11 Top Tips to say NO to food challengers...nicely!

Food challengers range from well-intentioned loved ones to total diet enemies. Regardless of their motivation, it's important to stick to your guns. You can always be honest and say that you're simply trying to eat healthier, but if that response gets ignored (or doesn't come easily), the following retorts to their food-forcing ways will keep you in control of what goes on your plate and in your mouth!

Note: These tips work year-round at birthday parties, family get-togethers, coffee mornings and Sunday brunches with friends alike!

The Challenge: "It's my specialty, you have to try it!"

Your Response: "I will in a bit!"

Why It Works: Stalling is a great tactic with food pushers. Odds are the offender won't follow you around making sure you actually try the dish. If they catch up with you by the end of the party to ask what you thought, tell them that it slipped your mind but you'll be sure to try it next time.

The Challenge: "This [insert name of high-calorie dish] is my favourite. You'll love it!"

Your Response: "I had some already—so delicious!"

Why It Works: A white lie in this situation isn't going to hurt anybody. You'll get out of eating food you don't want or need, and the food pusher will have gotten a compliment on what probably is a delicious dish anyway.

The Challenge: "It's just once a year!"

Your Response: "But I'll probably live to celebrate more special occasions if I stick with my diet plan!"

Why It Works: People can sometimes see healthy eating as vain—a means to the end result of losing weight and looking better. It's harder for a food pusher to argue with you if you bring attention to the fact that you eat right and exercise for better health and a longer life. Looking good just happens to be a side effect!

The Challenge: "Looks like someone is obsessed with dieting…"

Your Response: "I wouldn't say obsessed, but I am conscious of what I eat."

Why It Works: Words like "food snob" or "obsessed" are pretty harsh when they're thrown around by food pushers. But don't let passive-aggressive comments like this bring you down—or make you steer away from your good eating intentions. Acknowledging your willpower and healthy food choices might influence others to be more conscious of what they eat. Sometimes you just have to combat food pushers with a little straightforward kindness.

The Challenge: "If you don't try my dish, I'm just going to have to force you to eat it!"

Your Response: "Sorry, but I don't like (or can't eat) [insert ingredient here]."

Why It Works: It's hard to argue with someone's personal food preferences. If someone doesn't like an ingredient whether its sweet potatoes, pumpkin, or butter, odds are that he or she hasn't liked it for a very long time. If you'd like to get creative with this one, go into detail about how you got sick on the ingredient as a kid or how your mum says you always threw it across the room as a baby. Who can argue with that?

The Challenge: "You need some meat on your bones."

Your Response: "Trust me, I'm in no danger of wasting away!"

Why It Works: This food push is definitely on the passive-aggressive side. Using humour to fight back will defuse any tension while making it clear where you stand.

The Challenge: "One bite isn't going to kill you."

Your Response: "I know, but once you pop you can't stop! And I'm sure it's so delicious I wouldn't be able to stop!"

Why It Works: This is another situation where humour will serve to distract the food pusher from his or her mission. It's a way to say "thanks, but no thanks" while making it clear that you're not interested in overindulging.

The Challenge: "But it's your favourite!"

Your Response: "I think I've overdosed on it; I just can't eat it anymore!"

Why It Works: If you have a favourite dish that everyone knows you love, it can be especially tough to escape this push. If a loved one made the dish specifically for you, the guilt can be enough to push you over the edge. But people understand that food preferences change, and most have been in that situation of enjoying a dish so much that they can't touch it for a while.

The Challenge: Someone puts an extra helping on your plate without you asking.

Your Response: Push it around with your fork like you did as a kid to make it look like you tried it.

Why It Works: While putting food on someone else's plate can be viewed as passive-aggressive, it was probably done with love. (Well… we hope!) Making it look like you ate a bite or two can be an easy way out of the situation, but you can also just leave it alone and claim that you've already had your fill. (After all, you didn't add that extra helping!)

The Challenge: "Have another drink!"

Your Response: "I have to drive."

Why It Works: No one will argue with the fact that you want to drive home sober. If they do, you should have no qualms walking away from the conversation, period. If they offer a place for you to stay, you can always get out of the situation by blaming an early morning commitment or the fact that you need to get home to let the dog out. Kids will also get you out of everything!

The Challenge: "We have so many leftovers. Take some!"Your Response: "That's OK! Just think, you'll have your meals for tomorrow taken care of."

Why It Works: Not every party guest wants to deal with the hassle of taking food with them, and this makes it clear that you'd rather the food stay. If the host is insistent, you can say you’re worried that they'll go bad in the car because you're not going straight home, or it'll go bad in your fridge because you've already been given so many leftovers at other parties recently. Or be polite and take them. You'll have more control of your food intake away from the party anyway. So whether you don't eat the leftovers at all or whether you split a piece of cake with your spouse, you're in control in this situation.

These tactics can work wonders in social situations, but honesty is sometimes the best policy. A simple "No, thank you" is hard for a food challenger to beat, especially if it's repeated emphatically. Remember, it is okay to have treats in moderation, so don't deprive yourself of your favourite foods. Just make sure that you're the one in control of your splurges—not a friend, family member or co-worker who doesn't know your fitness and health goals!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

3 Exercises Every Woman Should Do!

These three simple moves offer body benefits for every woman—and they don't require much equipment so you can do these away from the gym. Make them part of your fitness routine on a regular basis and you'll be looking and feeling better in no time.


Why they're effective: Squats are the go-to move for everyone who strength trains because they engage more muscles than any other move. Squats work the thighs (quads, hamstrings, and outer thighs), glutes, and core (abdominals and the muscles that support your spine). You don't need any equipment to perform squats, but always have the option of adding dumbbells and/or a stability ball to add challenge. Perform 1-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

Starting Position
Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and your toes slightly turned outward.
INHALE: With your abs pulled in tight and your weight in your heels, slowly lower by bending at the knees and slightly from the hips. Keep your back as upright as possible (don't lean forward from the waist). EXHALE: Straighten legs and come up to the starting position to complete one rep.
Special Instructions
Make sure your knees don’t cross the plane of your toes. Try to lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor. If you have difficulty performing this exercise you can also use a chair or wall to help with balance and the movement until you build sufficient strength.

One-Arm Dumbbell Rows (Can use large bottle of water/bag of rice)

Why they're effective: Did you know that the easiest way to look longer and leaner is to improve your posture? Rounded shoulders are common among women when the weight of the breasts pulls the shoulders forward and upper back muscles are weak. Most people only train what they consider to be a "problem" or what they can see in the mirror (muscles on the front of the body. But strengthening your back muscles, particularly the lats (which give your back its "V" shape), can help improve posture. This exercise also targets several other muscles at once: the biceps, shoulders, and other back muscles (traps and rhomboids), which will help improve your overall upper body strength. Aim for 1-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

Starting Position
Grasp one dumbbell/weighted item in your right hand, palm facing the body. Step forward with your left leg as if you were going to lunge. Bend the left knee and straighten your right leg back. Rest your left elbow your forward (left) leg. Try to create a flat back. Keep upper body steady with the abs pulled in tight.
INHALE: With the right palm facing the body, "row" the dumbbell up as high as possible (towards the armpit) as the elbow points backwards. EXHALE: Slowly lower dumbbell back down until arm is straight, but elbow does not lock, to complete one rep. Finish one set and switch sides.
Special Instructions
Keep your spine in a neutral position. While lifting focus on the muscles in the back, visualizing your shoulder blade moving towards the spine, and coming back out as you release the weight down.

Bicycle Crunches

Why they're effective: There has been a lot of research on the effectiveness of various abdominal exercises. Most experts agree that while crunches are good, adding some simple elements can make them even better. That's where the bicycle crunch comes in. The bicycle crunch is one of the most effective core exercises there is, working the abs, oblique’s, and hips. You may want to lie on a mat, but no equipment is necessary. Aim for 1-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

Starting Position
Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent, in line with the hips. Place hands behind your head and neck for support. Pull the naval in towards the spine throughout this movement.
Bend your left knee in towards your chest while you crunch up and twist, bringing your right elbow towards the knee. Without resting, lower the left leg back down to the floor as the right knee comes in, twisting to the opposite side to bring your left elbow towards your right knee to complete one rep. Repeat continuously until you complete one set.
Special Instructions
Breathe steadily throughout this exercise

Get Results!
Remember that there is no such thing as "spot-training." While these exercises will help strengthen and tone the muscles that they target, only cardiovascular exercise will burn the layer of fat that covers those toned muscles in the first place. Try this program 2-3 times per week, resting at least one day in between each strength workout, in combination with a moderate cardio program (30 minutes a day, 3-4 days per week). You'll notice you'll feel stronger, stand taller and look better in just a few weeks!

For more information on how to perform these exercises, see any of the team at your next visit to Contours Manukau

Leap Over Diet Hurdles

It’s the time of year when the social calendar starts to boom and healthy eating plans are going straight out of the window! As the weeks leading up to Christmas go by, more obstacles start to creep in. Don’t be dismayed! The good news is that there are plenty of helpers to get you over those diet hurdles.

Hurdle #1: "I don’t have time to cook."

  • In anticipation of busy times, prepare batches of food on the weekends and freeze them until needed.
  • When preparing food, purposely make extra for leftovers.
  • Plan your meals for the upcoming week and make one weekend trip to the supermarket.
  • Buy foods that are pre-prepped: bags of chopped vegetables, pre-cut fruits from the produce section, canned beans instead of dried.
  • Throw all your ingredients into a Crockpot and voila! A healthy, home cooked meal awaits your return from work.
  • Buy healthy frozen entrees, and meals that take only a few minutes to cook. Examples include: stir fry (look for pre-cut veggies), soup, instant brown rice, oatmeal, and sandwiches on whole wheat bread.
  • The night before, plan your next day of food, pack your lunch, and plan what you’ll do for dinner.

Hurdle #2: I’m suffering from a case of "Portion Distortion."


  • Know serving sizes and be accurate in tracking food choices.
  • Order smaller-sized or lunch-sized portions when eating out.
  • Ask the server to box up half of your entrée before it arrives.
  • If you are thinking about going for seconds, wait at least 20 minutes to decide if you are truly still hungry.
  • Avoid buffets and all-you-can-eat dining options.
  • Educate yourself! When you learn what proper portions really look like, you won’t have trouble knowing when to stop.

Hurdle #3: I’m an emotional eater.

  • Plan ahead and keep busy during downtime to avoid eating out of boredom.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. You might actually be thirsty instead of hungry.
  • Don’t keep sweets and junk food on hand at home.
  • Give yourself occasional food rewards, and build them into your plan. Decide ahead of time, and portion out how much you will have.
  • When you’re about to eat, ask yourself if you are actually hungry, or if you’re upset, sad, lonely, or bored. If your emotions are driving you to eat, find a healthy way to deal with them: write in your diary, allow yourself to cry, call up a friend, go on a short walk, or read a book.

Hurdle #4: I don’t know what to do when I eat out.


  • Share an entrée or dessert with someone.
  • Order dishes with lots of veggies.
  • Drink water while you are waiting for your meal.
  • Enjoy a healthy snack before you go out so that you aren’t too hungry
  • When eating out, decide what healthy option you are going to order before you look at the menu.
  • Don’t be afraid to make substitutions and special requests. Ask for dressing on the side, tell the waiter you'll pass on the bread basket, and ask for your veggies to be steamed instead of fried.

Hurdle #5: I don’t know what to do at family gatherings, holidays, or on holiday.

  • Eat on a regular schedule. Don’t skip a meal in order to "save room" for the next meal.
  • Plan ahead for exercise. Find out if the hotel has a fitness centre or if there are any parks or recreation centres nearby. If not, bring your own travel-friendly equipment, like a skipping rope or resistance band.
  • Enjoy the company and activities more than the food.
  • Plan physical fitness activities for the group.

Hurdle #6: I don’t eat breakfast.

  • Prepare a large batch of healthy options (fruit salad, porridge, whole grain pancake batter) at the beginning of the week and use it throughout the week.
  • If you aren’t hungry first thing in the morning, pack a healthy snack and eat it around 9 a.m.
  • Shop for quick, healthy foods once a week.
  • Eat a piece of fresh fruit every morning.

Make options instead of excuses- keep on track and you will look amazing at the beach this Summer!

Myth: Women who lift weights will bulk up.

Truth: While on a weight lifting program, the right hormones (testosterone) are necessary in order to bulk up. Women’s testosterone levels are much lower than men’s, so in most cases, they are not capable of building large muscles. In fact, since muscle takes up less room than fat, women tend to lose inches when they strength train. So in addition to the physical benefits (increased metabolism, decreased risk of osteoporosis, increased strength), strength training will help you slim down too!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Rosanna Tafatu- Member of the month: October 2011

6 weeks ago I felt tired, lousy and had absolutely no energy to keep up with my kids. Enough was enough; I picked up the yellow pages and found Contours Manukau- I needed to lose weight.

Despite exercise always seeming this scary, daunting and ‘too difficult’ thing I was focussed and determine to succeed. Since I have joined I have loved every minute! I now get excited for my time at the gym 4-5 days each week.

The thing I love most about Contours Manukau is seeing women of all different shapes, sizes, ages ethnicities and cultures- (especially Pacific Islanders) all getting fitter and enjoying the gym.

The staff here have been so awesome, helping me stay motivated and educating me along the way with both my training and eating habits. A special thank you to Kerryn and Joy who are my amazing trainers!

So far I have lost 9.5 kilos, I am so proud of myself!

I have got so much more than I expected from Contours- I feel so much healthier and happier. I can’t wait for more great results to come!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's so motivating about numbers anyway?

Pretend for a minute that gravity doesn’t exist. Everything is weightless- yes everything! Yet it all manages to stay on the ground. You don’t know how much you weigh because there are no such things as scales. How would you define ‘healthy?’ You wouldn’t be able to say "I need to lose 10 kilos" or "I weigh 100 kilos, so I must be overweight."

What would be your goal?

You might still not like how you look. You might be tired of just being tired all the time. You might need to take care of that blood pressure problem. You might want to avoid diabetes.

In a gravity-free world, those are all still good reasons to create healthy eating and regular exercise habits. Who knows, you might decide "Hey, I feel good, I look alright, and I’m healthy. If I can just maintain the habits I have, I should be okay."

The point is, you can decide for yourself what shape you’re in. You don’t need the scales to tell you. Unfortunately, many times we get down on ourselves simply because something as trivial as gravity tells us we’re out of shape. Some people feel and look fantastic in every respect, but if the number on the scale doesn’t match expectations, they’re miserable. This doesn’t make sense. Gravity should not be able to wield that kind of power upon us, so stop dwelling over the scales!

In this gravity-rich reality we live in, we have a fascination with the scale. While it’s good for giving you a general idea of your health, this can be the most discouraging and frustrating part of a diet. Your weight can fluctuate all the time and reasons why are never completely known. Time of day, temperature, the day’s activities, water level – all can skew the numbers one way or the other. In reality, you could be getting discouraged over something that’s not really that accurate.

To stay motivated, try finding other ways to measure your progress instead of jumping on the scales. Try some benchmarks that actually matter. Some may be tougher to measure than others, some are more subjective. But we think you’ll find that these measurements can still be a lot more meaningful and motivating.

Try this!

Body Measures – dress size, waist, hips, neck, arms, fitting into your favourite short shorts!
Performance – more endurance during exercise, doing them at a higher level, jumping higher, walking longer, keeping up in Body Step, running faster, playing a sport better
General Feeling – rate energy level, rate attitude and outlook, track how often you feel very sleepy during the day, rate your confidence level
Health – blood pressure, cholesterol level, blood sugar level
Intangibles – how you look, compliments you receive, how others respond to you

Take some of these regular measurements and stay motivated, and give yourself the credit that you deserve!

Gym Support - New Service at Contours Manukau

Do you ever get to the gym, grab your new program that your trainer has just written - you take a look at the new exercises and read through and think, yep, yep, all good...then suddenly you spot..."reverse dumbbell fly - 3 reps of 10 at 6kgs". You think... hmmm... interesting, don't seem to remember that one. You look around at everyone busily working out - at least they know what they're at - you look at the equipment, hmmm 6kg dumbbell, yep that's there ...what the hell is a "reverse fly"... sounds like some sort of weird genetic experiment gone wrong a gym?!?!? 
You haven't got the foggiest what it is, let alone what it does.

You love Body Combat, it's fun, it's easy to get into, the moves are sweet and no-one cares if you stuff up. You like the look of Step, but it looks kinda complicated, all that jumping around, step boxes everywhere. You'd like to give it a go, but you're not into looking like an egg....maybe try another time.

You've seen your trainer, you've got your program, but you've got a question - you need to ask someone, but you're trainer is never free. You don't really want to book a reassessment, just just need a quick hand.

If you've experienced this then we've got the answer for you - Tania B.

Some of you may remember her - she used to be our reception manager - but now she's returned as a fully qualified trainer and wants to help you on the gym floor! Tania will be available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5pm and she'll have a very specific job.

If you've got a question about your program - she'll be there to answer and demonstrate.
If you've never done a class - she'll be there to go with you. She'll help you get set up, get you started and then do the class with you.
If you're finding it a bit hard to "get into" your gym program she'll work out with you and motivate you.
If you need some extra support if you just need to have a chat while you're working out - Tanz'll be there.

We understand that coming to the gym can be hard work, and sometimes working out by yourself can be a bit lonely. Hopefully this new service (and Tanz's help) will help you find the motivation you need.

So give it a go - and tell us what you think.

Tania B. - Gym Support Rep.
Every Tuesday and Thursday 5:00pm- 8:00pm 
Starts today: 25/10/2011

Tanz -Gym Support

BTW: She'll be wearing a nice bright pink shirt (not black as in the picture) with "ask me a question" on the back - so you cant miss her!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to endure and enjoy the long weekend… without feeling guilty!

So there’s a long weekend coming up (YAY!) and we are excited, yet a little concerned about the temptations ahead. We don’t want to undo our week’s worth of healthy eating and exercise… yet we want to relax, be social and have fun.

Don’t worry- we have a plan! Follow these 3 steps, and you will be fine!

Don’t Stress!

You have been good all week, so you can go to that social event! (GO THE ALL BLACKS!) You deserve to have some fun with your family and friends. Relaxing is part of being healthy, so actively relax! J

Plan your treat limit- and stick to it

You can have fun without eating and drinking everything! Think ahead and plan what treats you are going to allow yourself. This way you will avoid that guilty feeling before, during and after the treat! Here are some tips you may want to take on board:

  1. Drink one glass of water, per glass of alcohol- this will help with the risk of a hangover!
  2. Enjoy the treats you allow yourself to have- remembering this is a reward!
  3. Don’t nibble, get a plate and remember your portion sizes. Seconds may result in a second class on Tuesday!
  4. Dance! This is a great cardio workout. Be sure to come to Body Jam on Thursday this week if you need some new moves!
  5. Sleep it off! Make sure you get your beauty sleep before the weekend is over. You don’t want to be feeling sluggish on Tuesday when you’re back to reality.

Enjoy, you can always make up for it!

If you do over indulge, (or just happen to “forget” that extra slice of cake in your food diary) you just need to work that little bit harder and longer the following week.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Watching the world cup AND your waist line

So, the World Cup is just around the corner and we all want to be cheering on our team, (Come on England!) but how can we do it without it affecting our waist lines?

The Facts

• Full of ‘empty calories’ : Alcohol supplies almost twice as many calories as protein and carbohydrates

• “Make mine a large Donna and chips” : Alcohol can increase appetite, making the combination of alcohol and a fattening meal all the worse

• The morning (more like the afternoon) after the night before : alcohol has a negative impact on your body’s hydration so your body’s performance after a big night will also suffer However, alcohol is well-established as part of human culture, it plays a huge role in celebration so with the right choices; maintaining your fitness regime and enjoying a few drinks in moderation, there should be no problem in keeping your goals on track.

What are those right choices?

• Wine or treat yourself to some champagne

• Straight liquors such as scotch, vodka and gin have around 110 calories compared to 146 in a 12oz beer

• Mixers need to be sugarless; so no juice, tonic water or non-diet soda but seltzer and diet soda’s are appropriate

• If you are partial to a beer choose light beers over regular beers such as Amstel light and Beck’s Premier Light (just 64 calories) So, before you down that pint for every try New Zealand score just remember these top tips:

    1. Keep healthy food on hand when drinking i.e. almonds and dried fruit so we avoid compromising those nutritional habits
    2. Drink water between alcoholic drinks to increase the feeling of fullness
    3. Try lower calorie alternatives to significantly lower the calorie intake

Work out a couple of hours before a heavy night on the tiles and the chances are you will still be thinking about all that effort you have just put in at the gym and it would be a shame to let that to waste now wouldn’t it?

When enough is enough!

It is easy for many of us to believe there is no such thing as too much exercise. However, ask yourselves; ‘Are you suffering from a loss of appetite; loss of motivation; fatigue; depression and increased amounts of minor injuries?’- if so, you might be in danger of ‘over-training’. With goals to get ready for our bikini’s and the 8 week Biggest Loser Challenge at its half way point, it is not surprising some signs of over-training have begun to rear their ugly head.

There are many factors that contribute to overtraining including;

  • Inadequate nutrition
  • Excessive training volume and frequency
  • Insufficient amounts of sleep

Lack of food

I am sure some of us, myself included have begun to develop a carb phobia due to the false beliefs that carbohydrates are responsible for weight gain. However, we often underestimate the amount of calories and the food we need to eat in order to support an intense training programme. Carbohydrates in particular are the prime energy source for our body, a lack of carbs could result in a loss in physical performance. Dietary fats are equally as important in protection against free radical damage which is often caused by exercise. After a period of intense exercise the human body is in a catabolic state, proper post exercise nutrition including adequate carbohydrates and protein must take place.

What is too much?

Everyone is different and different people can cope with different amounts of stress on their bodies. The success of a life-long healthy change is ensuring programmes take into account people’s interests, needs, schedules and family, work and social commitments; there is no point going ‘hard out’ for an 8 week challenge just to put it all back on when you get back to the ‘everyday.’ Plan for light, medium and hard training days and you will get far better results than coming in every day and giving half-hearted attempts due to you lack of energy.

Get some Z’s

A big issue is that people feel they will undo all the progress they have made if they do not push through the fatigue and pain they might be in. However, the gym is not necessarily where the changes in your body take place. Rest and sleep is just as important as diet and exercise as it enables our bodies to recuperate. A good training programme should include rest days to allow for recovery and give your muscles a chance to repair enabling you to return to your training feeling stronger and mentally revitalized. Listen to your body, if it’s telling you to take a break then do just that!

Joy’s Top Tips

  1. Try and get a solid 8 hours of sleep every night
  2. Allow rest days to enable your body to recuperate
  3. Keep a track of your food with a food diary; if you record accurately and truthfully you become aware of habits that may be hindering your efforts
  4. Set small goals and set new ones once you achieve these to stay focused and motivated as having a ‘mountain’ to climb can be disheartening
  5. Mix it up – keep your body guessing and your results will be a lot quicker than sticking to the same routine week after week

To stretch, or not to stretch? That is the question!

If you are anything like me I often see stretching as an annoying chore and a lot of the times skip it completely. I would happily spend another 5 minutes on the treadmill rather than lying on my back doing ‘nothing’.

However, thanks to Sheree and my seemingly tight hamstrings it is some-what glaringly obvious that we have to look after our muscles and in not doing so could not only be counter-productive but could also leave us in pain for a number of days to follow and hamper performance.

Body Balance

I remember the first ever time I tried body balance; being young and naive I assumed that if my heart rate wasn’t beating at 160 a minute and I wasn’t swimming in my own sweat I couldn’t possibly be working out. However, a number of years later with my growing wisdom I decided to give it another go in an attempt to increase my flexibility. We all lead such speedy frantic lives now and we want to do everything in a hurry. However, if possible I suggest trying to fit a session of body balance into your fitness regime. The 10 minute relaxation section at the end when the lights go off and you can even bring along your own pillow and blankey makes all the ‘down-ward dogs’ and ‘tree poses’ all worth while. Relaxation allows the nervous system to catch up and an ability to relax makes you both mentally and emotionally stronger, both equally as important as physical strength.

When to stretch?

There is no excuse really, myself included; in not stretching as there is no need to stretch every single body part just the particular body part you may have trained. Spending 10-15 minutes at the end of a one hour workout can actually help speed up muscle growth and will reduce the chances of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness- all you need to know about this is it hurts and can last anything up to 72 hours!)

The debate still continues over the effectiveness and need for stretching before a work-out but more and more evidence seems to suggest that in doing so will not actually reduce the risk of injury nor will it help with flexibility. So, there we have it, no excuses really as we only need to be doing it post work-out on the body part we’ve worked out!

How to stretch?

Flexibility is essential for ‘normal’ joint health and can improve posture and quality of life by enabling the range of motion is at its greatest possible. There are several ways to performing stretches including

  • Static
  • Ballistic (not recommended so I’m not even going to tell you how it’s done)
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) –(don’t worry, all will be revealed)

Static Stretching

This is probably the most common form of stretching and the one most associate with the term flexibility- can I touch my toes? Static stretching is slow and constant and should be held for up to 30 seconds, in addition static stretching should be done to the point of mild discomfort but not to the point of pain.

Joy’s Top Tips

  1. Never bounce whilst holding a stretch as this will increase the risk of injury
  2. Hold stretches for a minimum of 10 seconds but the longer the better

Up and GO!

No, I’m not talking about the very sugary drink in a carton I’m talking about literally getting up in the morning and leaving the house without anything to line our tummies!
We’ve heard it a million times, our Grandma’s went on about it when we were 6 years old, our teachers went on about it in Food Tech and now us trainers are constantly banging our heads against a brick wall about it on a daily basis trying to make people understand and see that; “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
For me I find it hard to comprehend functioning throughout the day without my breakfast particularly as it is actually my favorite meal of the day! Meal Number 1 is my opportunity to eat my carbohydrates and not feel guilty about it as the right breakfast ensures I have lots of energy for my training sessions later on in the day and sets me up for the rest of the day.
Not hungry?

Whilst you may not be hungry first thing in the morning forcing yourself to eat something, (we’ll discuss what that something should be in a moment), is one of the most beneficial things you can do. Another favorite you’ll hear from us trainers is the term ‘little and often’ (this is referring to how we would like you to eat during the day, 5-6 small meals and snacks as opposed to the traditional 3 square meals), so after hopefully 8 hours of solid sleep our bodies are in a fasting state and we need to jump start our metabolism with breakfast in order to get our bodies process’s moving.

Breakfast with Joy

Now, for all of those whose excuse is that you don’t have time in the morning to eat breakfast I start work every morning at 6am and still manage breakfast so you’ll have to come up with another reason!-set that alarm earlier to get up and get well fed to start your day, your body will soon become used to that early alarm call and it also means there is less of a chance of over-eating at lunch time.

When you get to the point where your belly is rumbling then we tend to make bad decisions and are more likely to reach for whatever is available to satisfy that hunger regardless of whether that is a McDonald’s or a pie. In addition, we are more inclined to over-eat as we will try to cram as much as possible in to our mouths in a short period of time in order to attain instant satisfaction.

Menu Option 1

(This is my particular fav and what I start my day with 5 out of 6 days)

Oatmeal with a cup of berries or a sprinkle of cinnamon (I also add a scoop of protein powder to increase the protein quantity) The complex carbs in this option will provide you with plenty of fiber and keep that hunger at bay for longer, don’t over do it though a cup of cooked oats is all you need

Menu Option 2

Cereal such as Special K and All Bran are awesome choices but in general stick to cereals that have at least 5 grams of fiber and have the minimum amount of added sugar. As women we need calcium so the milk we use over our cereal is a good opportunity to get this in

Menu Option 3

Poached eggs on vogels are a good option if you do have a bit more time on your hands. Eggs in general are full of protein, low in calories and low in fat so mix it up with either scrambled (with your low-fat milk and no added salt) or boiled eggs and soldiers. Surely it goes without saying though that we want to be avoiding fried eggs!

Menu Option 4

Yogurt and Fruit is another good food combo. You will once again be getting some of your much needed calcium and will also satisfy that sweet tooth with some nice juicy apple segments

Menu Option 5

Toast; if you are someone that jumps up in the morning and automatically pops two slices of bread in the toaster it’ about choosing the ‘better, healthier’ options. Go for your more sustainable brown breads like vogels rather than white bread and choose a spread like peanut butter which is packed with healthy fats rather than sugary spreads like jam

If you find you cannot stomach food then a liquid option such as a smoothie or a protein shake may be a good option for you and works just as well. However, you want to be avoiding ‘to-go’ breakfasts like pop-tarts and ‘up-and-go’s’ which are all really high in sugar.

Top Tips

  1. Breakfast tastes great-give one or all of the options above a go, variety is the key so you don’t get bored with the same thing day after day
  2. If you want to continue to see progress in your fitness and diet goals, never leave this meal out again
  3. Eating the right breakfast will pay off in terms of faster muscle gains and LOADS of energy throughout the day
  4. Get up early and make the time for ‘the most important meal of the day!

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