We’ve heard it a million times, our Grandma’s went on about it when we were 6 years old, our teachers went on about it in Food Tech and now us trainers are constantly banging our heads against a brick wall about it on a daily basis trying to make people understand and see that; “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
For me I find it hard to comprehend functioning throughout the day without my breakfast particularly as it is actually my favorite meal of the day! Meal Number 1 is my opportunity to eat my carbohydrates and not feel guilty about it as the right breakfast ensures I have lots of energy for my training sessions later on in the day and sets me up for the rest of the day.
Not hungry?
Whilst you may not be hungry first thing in the morning forcing yourself to eat something, (we’ll discuss what that something should be in a moment), is one of the most beneficial things you can do. Another favorite you’ll hear from us trainers is the term ‘little and often’ (this is referring to how we would like you to eat during the day, 5-6 small meals and snacks as opposed to the traditional 3 square meals), so after hopefully 8 hours of solid sleep our bodies are in a fasting state and we need to jump start our metabolism with breakfast in order to get our bodies process’s moving.
Breakfast with Joy
Now, for all of those whose excuse is that you don’t have time in the morning to eat breakfast I start work every morning at 6am and still manage breakfast so you’ll have to come up with another reason!-set that alarm earlier to get up and get well fed to start your day, your body will soon become used to that early alarm call and it also means there is less of a chance of over-eating at lunch time.
When you get to the point where your belly is rumbling then we tend to make bad decisions and are more likely to reach for whatever is available to satisfy that hunger regardless of whether that is a McDonald’s or a pie. In addition, we are more inclined to over-eat as we will try to cram as much as possible in to our mouths in a short period of time in order to attain instant satisfaction.
Menu Option 1
(This is my particular fav and what I start my day with 5 out of 6 days)
Oatmeal with a cup of berries or a sprinkle of cinnamon (I also add a scoop of protein powder to increase the protein quantity) The complex carbs in this option will provide you with plenty of fiber and keep that hunger at bay for longer, don’t over do it though a cup of cooked oats is all you need
Menu Option 2
Cereal such as Special K and All Bran are awesome choices but in general stick to cereals that have at least 5 grams of fiber and have the minimum amount of added sugar. As women we need calcium so the milk we use over our cereal is a good opportunity to get this in
Menu Option 3
Poached eggs on vogels are a good option if you do have a bit more time on your hands. Eggs in general are full of protein, low in calories and low in fat so mix it up with either scrambled (with your low-fat milk and no added salt) or boiled eggs and soldiers. Surely it goes without saying though that we want to be avoiding fried eggs!
Menu Option 4
Yogurt and Fruit is another good food combo. You will once again be getting some of your much needed calcium and will also satisfy that sweet tooth with some nice juicy apple segments
Menu Option 5
Toast; if you are someone that jumps up in the morning and automatically pops two slices of bread in the toaster it’ about choosing the ‘better, healthier’ options. Go for your more sustainable brown breads like vogels rather than white bread and choose a spread like peanut butter which is packed with healthy fats rather than sugary spreads like jam
If you find you cannot stomach food then a liquid option such as a smoothie or a protein shake may be a good option for you and works just as well. However, you want to be avoiding ‘to-go’ breakfasts like pop-tarts and ‘up-and-go’s’ which are all really high in sugar.
Top Tips
- Breakfast tastes great-give one or all of the options above a go, variety is the key so you don’t get bored with the same thing day after day
- If you want to continue to see progress in your fitness and diet goals, never leave this meal out again
- Eating the right breakfast will pay off in terms of faster muscle gains and LOADS of energy throughout the day
- Get up early and make the time for ‘the most important meal of the day!
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