Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to endure and enjoy the long weekend… without feeling guilty!

So there’s a long weekend coming up (YAY!) and we are excited, yet a little concerned about the temptations ahead. We don’t want to undo our week’s worth of healthy eating and exercise… yet we want to relax, be social and have fun.

Don’t worry- we have a plan! Follow these 3 steps, and you will be fine!

Don’t Stress!

You have been good all week, so you can go to that social event! (GO THE ALL BLACKS!) You deserve to have some fun with your family and friends. Relaxing is part of being healthy, so actively relax! J

Plan your treat limit- and stick to it

You can have fun without eating and drinking everything! Think ahead and plan what treats you are going to allow yourself. This way you will avoid that guilty feeling before, during and after the treat! Here are some tips you may want to take on board:

  1. Drink one glass of water, per glass of alcohol- this will help with the risk of a hangover!
  2. Enjoy the treats you allow yourself to have- remembering this is a reward!
  3. Don’t nibble, get a plate and remember your portion sizes. Seconds may result in a second class on Tuesday!
  4. Dance! This is a great cardio workout. Be sure to come to Body Jam on Thursday this week if you need some new moves!
  5. Sleep it off! Make sure you get your beauty sleep before the weekend is over. You don’t want to be feeling sluggish on Tuesday when you’re back to reality.

Enjoy, you can always make up for it!

If you do over indulge, (or just happen to “forget” that extra slice of cake in your food diary) you just need to work that little bit harder and longer the following week.

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