Thursday, December 1, 2011's did that happen??

It’s nearly the end of 2011. We’re amazed at how quickly this year has flown past.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who come to the gym regularly, use the facilities, support us and love what we do.

Each team member that works at Contours Manukau is here because they have a passion for helping people and want to see them succeed. It gives us great enjoyment and pride to hear of all the success that our members have. There have been some great stories and huge results come out through the year. You just have to take a look at the “member of the month” stories to know that we have some really inspirational members – people who work hard for themselves and for their trainers and get the success that they deserve.
From a business perspective, this year has been a busy one for us in the respect that we’ve been busy maintaining the status quo. I think it’s a sign of the times that as a business we haven’t necessarily “grown”, but then we haven’t shrunk either. We see this as a success when so many gyms and other businesses are struggling to keep their doors open. (Interestingly there are 5 Contours franchises for sale and 2 others have been closed down by the franchisor today..…merry Christmas…)

The highlight of 2011 for us was refurbishing the bathrooms. Those of you that have been with us for a while will agree that the re-vamp was well due. Another highlight for us was supporting the Glow Kids Trust with our group fit fund raiser launch. Everybody enjoyed themselves and again the feedback was fabulous plus we raised some cash for a well deserving charity.

So what’s in store for 2012?
We’re working on getting some new  classes up and running. It’s been great having the lunch time classes as we believe it adds more variety and options for you (our members), and they've been very well received. So we’re planning to have even more variety with some brand new and different evening classes in the New Year.

What else?
We’ll continue with our facility refurb. We’re stuck into getting quotes for some new carpeting. The existing carpet has been there for quite some time, so it’s well past it best before date. Having said that it hasn’t done too badly considering the amount of use it gets!

Anything else?
There maybe some other surprises next year …but we’re not going to say anymore about them just yet. You’ll have to keep your ‘eye out’.

Anyway, that’s all for the moment – We wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas and here’s looking forward to 2012.

Claire, Alan and the Team at Contours

PS: Feel free to leave some comments or ask some questions......

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