Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gym Support - New Service at Contours Manukau

Do you ever get to the gym, grab your new program that your trainer has just written - you take a look at the new exercises and read through and think, yep, yep, all good...then suddenly you spot..."reverse dumbbell fly - 3 reps of 10 at 6kgs". You think... hmmm... interesting, don't seem to remember that one. You look around at everyone busily working out - at least they know what they're at - you look at the equipment, hmmm 6kg dumbbell, yep that's there ...what the hell is a "reverse fly"... sounds like some sort of weird genetic experiment gone wrong ...in a gym?!?!? 
You haven't got the foggiest what it is, let alone what it does.

You love Body Combat, it's fun, it's easy to get into, the moves are sweet and no-one cares if you stuff up. You like the look of Step, but it looks kinda complicated, all that jumping around, step boxes everywhere. You'd like to give it a go, but you're not into looking like an egg....maybe try another time.

You've seen your trainer, you've got your program, but you've got a question - you need to ask someone, but you're trainer is never free. You don't really want to book a reassessment, just just need a quick hand.

If you've experienced this then we've got the answer for you - Tania B.

Some of you may remember her - she used to be our reception manager - but now she's returned as a fully qualified trainer and wants to help you on the gym floor! Tania will be available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5pm and she'll have a very specific job.

If you've got a question about your program - she'll be there to answer and demonstrate.
If you've never done a class - she'll be there to go with you. She'll help you get set up, get you started and then do the class with you.
If you're finding it a bit hard to "get into" your gym program she'll work out with you and motivate you.
If you need some extra support if you just need to have a chat while you're working out - Tanz'll be there.

We understand that coming to the gym can be hard work, and sometimes working out by yourself can be a bit lonely. Hopefully this new service (and Tanz's help) will help you find the motivation you need.

So give it a go - and tell us what you think.

Tania B. - Gym Support Rep.
Every Tuesday and Thursday 5:00pm- 8:00pm 
Starts today: 25/10/2011

Tanz -Gym Support

BTW: She'll be wearing a nice bright pink shirt (not black as in the picture) with "ask me a question" on the back - so you cant miss her!!

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